We have a very small bathroom, so some would suggest that bright, busy prints would not be the best decorating idea. But we decided to go with a bold choice in shower curtain selection…

The shower curtain came from the “logo gear” department of our own online gift shop. But we only considered buying it for ourselves after we noticed in our sales reports that several of them had already sold. You see while we provide the artwork for the items in our shops, the orders are fulfilled elsewhere so we don’t get to see how things turn out unless we order them for ourselves. Anyway, the boost in shower curtain sales made us curious.

Turns out, it looks pretty awesome (if we say so ourselves)! What a great way to brighten your day. And just goes to show, you shouldn’t always follow the rules – at least not when it comes to home decor.

And since we are already shamelessly self-promoting, we may as well point out that our online gift shops also include lots of great breed art, on lots of items that make great gifts!


This makes a really affordable alternative to custom pet portraits no matter what your budget is. Okay, infomercial over! :)

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